Technology and Education: Can technology replace teacher?
Hello friends!
Today I write about use of Technology in education this task given by Dr Dilip Barad sir. In pendemic situation we all are known that these time is only for online teaching, so how we are teach all the things on online platform. Here I wrote some of the idea releted to the thinking activity based on how it can be said that what is the role of technology in online mode at the current situation.
As we know that in 21st century education is one that responds to the economical, technological, and social shifts that are happening at an ever-increasing pace. It's an education that sets children up to succeed in a world where more than half of the jobs they'll have over their careers don't even exist yet.
Some of the demerit in technology like, technology cannot replace a teacher. Technology is merely an augmentation to a teacher. It can help the process of learning, but it certainly cannot replace the role of the teacher. Children still need to learn computers to operate those online sessions, which of course are taught by teachers.
When we look at while artificial intelligence can teach students skills or reinforce difficult concepts for struggling students, it can't replace a human teacher. ... Let's face it: good teachers will never become obsolete. Students may be digital natives, but they still need help in locating and using digital resources for learning.
Can Technology replace teacher?
The role of education technology is continuously expanding from projectors to smart boards and enabling better interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. Every day we see that various aspects of education technology becoming an inherent part of the educational experience for students, teachers, parents, and management alike.
Modern technology has made it so much easier to obtain educational information for classroom or homework assignments. It offers educational games that stimulate the brain and help children who have difficulties focusing on traditional teaching and learning procedures. College students are even taking advantage of online courses that many colleges are offering as an alternative to physically attending classes. Advances in technology and computers will continue to play an important role in education for many generations to come.
For a long time we have been criticising our education system for lacking effective learning techniques or skill based learning. Technology based education seems one step towards revolutionising education for the better. Technology and education is a great combination if used together with a right reason and vision. Toddlers these days have an early introduction to technology when they start using their parents smart phones, tablets, laptops even before they learn to speak. Therefore, imparting technology based education from their early stage is definitely a positive idea.
What is the role of a teacher and why technology could never replace the good teacher?
It is not merely to teach, but to provide an education. There is an art to imparting knowledge to students that current technology is nowhere close to mastering. Educational technologies are currently aiding teachers in their work, not completely taking over them. They are tools, not replacements.
For instance, we can use school management software to collect data on student learning patterns, check for the efficacy of a new learning method, or just make the teaching experience more holistic and continual by using technology to facilitate engagement. These certainly enhance the teaching experience (and the learning experience) for students, however, they are not comprehensive enough to completely take over the task.
Teachers do more than just the one-way task of instructing a student. They identify social cues that would be impossible for a machine to parse, especially non-verbal or invisible interactions, that affect the learning experience. They help identify roadblocks for students that might be more personal or emotional in nature, that a machine cannot pick up on. They help to contextual lessons in real time, which might not be possible for a piece of technology to do.
What major difference do you see in the use/integration of technology in teaching and learning after Corona Pandemic? Write in brief. Not more than 3 points.
One of the example is used for technology in teaching Rangde basanti movie this is a best example for college student what was the goal of our life based on technology. One of other important things how we live with technology in current time. First we do communication with changes in Speed, precision, time, place, and most important is update. This is all time required for students and teachers. Some of the couse we can do on online platform and then teach how to use technology. So here I write based on video.
Thank you.....
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