ELT task on "Role of teachers and learners"
Hello Friends!
Here I present characteristics on What is role of teachers and learners. Here I discussed briefly about ELT task on Role of teachers and learners. This task given by Vaidehi Hariyani Ma'am. This task is very interesting.
One of the most pure and deeply inspirational relationships is that of a devoted teacher and a willing student. In teaching and learner apptitude we can see that a Learner and teachers are someone who is consistently learning and teaching. We all are the learner and teachers are some or the other time in our daily life. To be precise, a learner and teachers a particular time is that person who are learning and teaching about a particular subject.
For a decision maker, it is important to know the learners and teachers characteristics. It can be essential to know what factors affect their learning and teachers. Learning can be described that the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, skill values, behaviour and preferences. And The role of a teacher is to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate learners. Learners can be of any age and from any background. However, for the purposes of this guide, teachers refer to those who educate young people of school age. Teachers serve many roles within a school environment.
Learning is strongly based on the intellectual level, cognitive ability, perception, personality and attitude of a learner. As individual many factors affect the learning of a person. They are bound to get influenced by the social arena, cultural habits, and willingness of a person to adopt change.
The ability to forge a positive, powerful relationship between a student and teacher may seem like a difficult task first but can be easily accomplished by creating a strong learning environment. The learning is not a one way process alone; an effective learning environment is where all individuals involved learn from each other. While students learn a particular subject from a teacher, the teacher learns how to improve her teaching skills and make the lessons more interesting by gaining insights from the students. Thus, both parties learn from each other.
Many qualities define a positive relationship and pave ways on how to create powerful student teacher relationships. These can be seen to include good communication, a safe learning environment and mutual respect, a positive and patient attitude, student equality and timely praise. The teacher who becomes the ‘favorite’ is one who possesses these in good measure.
Not all students are alike. While some quickly grasp the concepts taught and take an active part in the learning process, others may be shy, uninterested or even downright disruptive. This puts additional responsibility on a teacher to create such an atmosphere which is conducive to an interesting learning process. It’s the teachers who are like sculptors and students, the soft clay, ready to be molded into a master piece. As Aristotle once said “those who educate children well are more to be honoured than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”
Learner characteristics can be described as measuring the characteristics of learners such as behavioural nature, attitudes and psychological towards everything related to learning.
Although great teachers may also possess a number of other wonderful qualities (like a sense of humor, personality, flexibility, kindness, leadership, classroom management, a calm demeanor, experience, and the ability to multitask), these are the qualities the best teachers universally possess.
So I am given some characteristic about 'The role of English teacher':–
Teaching and Learning is a continuous process and wherein strategies may differ with the moving generations. Though we find many changes in the education system, the role of a teacher will remain the same but with slight changes. The teacher’s job is to convince the student that education fulfills the need and learning in the classroom.
A Teacher has to think from the learners’ perspective before she plans to interact with the students. When a teacher plans with the learners’ perspective and starts teaching, students can receive the information without any hesitation in grasping the things.
It is very significant that students should sense that their teachers are concerned about them and thus teachers should become the best facilitator to the students in all aspects. As a facilitator she has to direct and support students in learning for themselves as a self-explorer. Teachers should develop the best learning environment which reflects the students’ life in societal, intellectual and linguistic occurrences. As a facilitator a teacher should lay a strong foundation for their personal growth.
As a Teacher, assessing is one of the important tools for extracting students’ knowledge by giving continuous feedback. Teacher’s role is not complete just by teaching a lesson. Assessing is the effective tool for making students learn perfectly. A Teacher before assessing a student has to first assess their own conclusions, as to what extent a student will be benefited with their correct assessment. These assessments can be carried out through verbal feedback, by conducting quizzes, by giving some tasks etc. An assessment makes a teacher to plan for her future teaching techniques and in guiding them to master their language.
Teacher’s role as a manger is a very significant and imperative role in managing a class. A Teacher has to plan well in advance regarding handling the classes within the stipulated time, covering academics as well as interpersonal skills with various teaching techniques which is obviously a path to practical approach. An experienced teacher can manage the timings according to their own experience. Perfect classroom management by a teacher using the major mechanisms will lead to success of teaching-learning methods.
As everyone is aware that evaluation plays a prominent role to a teacher’s success. Evaluation is a subjective process, which is related to academics. Teacher has to be an effective evaluator while evaluating the student. True and fair evaluation should be done by a teacher in order to do justice to a student’s career. A student has a wide scope of learning through the mistakes committed. As an evaluator a student should also be focused on the areas of competence rather than on the weaknesses and every student should be adhered to positive expectations.
So, Teacher plays diverse roles in English Language Teaching (ELT). Some of the roles where a teacher performs when dealing with the students are as follows - learner, facilitator, assessor, manager and evaluator. By performing various roles, she becomes an ideal guide in shaping their future.
Then second one I am given few importance characteristics of 'The Role of English Learners':–
(1) Learning involves change:
It is a reconstruction, combined thinking, skill, information and appropriation in a single unity process.
For example, when a child learns to read they can retain this knowledge and behavior for the rest of their lives. It is not always reflected in performance. The change from the learning may not be clear until a situation arises in which the new behavior can occur.
(2) All learning involves activities:
These activities involve either physical or mental activity. They may be simple mental activities of complex, involving various muscles, bones, etc.
So also the mental activities may be very simple involving one or two activities of mind or complex which involve higher mental activities.
(3) Learning Requires Interaction:
At the time of learning, the individual is constantly interacting with and influenced by the environment. This experience makes him change or modify his behavior to deal effectively with it.
(4) Constitute Learning:
To constitute learning, the change should be permanent. Temporary changes may be only reflective and fail to represent any learning.
(5) Learning is a Lifelong Process:
Learning is a lifelong process of gaining and using the information presented to a person. It is not static.
A person never stops acquiring new information. It keeps a person’s mind active and aware but also conscious of the world around them.
(6) Learning Occurs Randomly Throughout Life:
Some learning occurs randomly throughout life, from new experiences, gaining information and from our, perceptions, for example: reading a newspaper or watching a news broadcast, talking with a friend or colleague, chance meetings, and unexpected experiences.
(7) Learning Involves Problems Solving:
Learning involves problem-solving i.e. understanding and discovering relations between different contents in a situation.
(8) Learning is the Process of Acquiring Information:
Learning is the process of acquiring information, knowledge, wisdom, and skills. It occurs as a result of interaction with the person’s environment.
(9) Learning Involves far more than Thinking:
Learning involves far more than thinking: it involves the whole personality – senses, feelings, intuition, beliefs, values, and will. If we do not have the will to learn, we cannot learn and if we have learned, we are changed in some way. If the learning makes no difference it can have very little significance.
(10) Experience is Necessary for Learning:
Some sort of experience is necessary for learning. We can get the experience from direct observation or from formal approaches to learning such as training, mentoring, coaching and teaching. We can get the experience from direct observation or from formal approaches to learning such as training, mentoring, coaching and teaching. If we compare the simple ways in which a child feels and behaves, with the complex modes of adult behavior, his skills, habits, though, sentiments and the like we will know what difference learning has made to the individual.
Thank you....
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