Plague - Epidemic Literature

Hello Friends!!

Here I am discuss on initial impressions about plague virus pandemic. We may see in seminars and conferences on "Literature and Epidemics". Albert Camus's 'THE PLAGUE' is one Literature text which was most talked about globally in recent times. This task given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir. Let us discuss about the novel. Click here to visit the blog.


There is no more important book to understand our Times than Albert Camus's 'THE PLAGUE, a novel about a virus that spreads uncontrollably from animals to humans and ends up destroying half the population of a representative modern town. Camus speaks to us now not because he was a magical seer, but because he correctly sized up human nature. As he wrote: " Everyone has inside it himself this plague, because no one in the world, no one can, ever be immune." 

THE PLAGUE is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1947, that tells the story of a plague sweeping the French Algerian city of Oran. It asks a number of Questions relating to the nature of destiny and the humans condition. The characters in the books, ranging from doctors to vacationers to fugitives, all help to show the effects the plague has on a populace.

The  novel is believed to be based on the cholera epidemic that killed a large proportion of Iran's population in 1849 following French colonization, but the novel is set in the 1940s. The plague is considered an Existentialism classic despite Camus' objection to the label. The novel has been read as an allegorical treatment of the French resistance to Nazi occupation during world warThe plague represents how the world deals with the philosophical notion of Absurd, a theory that Camus himself helped to define.

Brief information about the novel, in January 1941, the twenty-eight year old French writer Albert Camus began work on a novel. The plague was spread uncontrollably from animals to humans and ended up destroying half the population of a representative modern town.

In the Novel's hero, a doctor Rieux  is a version of Camus himself. The pacing of a thriller, the horror begins, unfortunately fastly rats was dead and those disease very fast spread. Doctor Rieux see the so many dead rat and he thought that young people are doing that but this is a mysterious death of thousands of rats. He has read enough about the structure of Plague and transmissions from animals to human to know that something is afoot.

Soon an epidemic seizes Oran the disease transmitting itself from citizen to citizen spreading panic and horror in every street.

  • Humanity: Human self - Centeredness VS human sacriface

The Book, Camus told the writer Andre Malraux that he wanted to understand what plague meant for humanity: ' Said like that subject seems so natural to me.' Camus was not writing about one Plague in particular, nor was this narrowly, as has sometimes been suggested, a metaphoric tale about the recent Nazi occupation of France. Camus was drawn to his theme because, in his philosophy, we are all - unbeknownst to us - already living through a plague: that is a widespread, silent, invisible disease that may kill any of us at any time and destroy the lives we assumed were solid.

Here same situations in today's life. In contemarary situation Covid 19 is very wider spread people is take care own self and sacrifice so many things. Human is not care for his family because  situation is very different all are live with some distance and care for human self. People is not meet to disease person and not talk with them. At that time Centerdness is very important stay live life good so not going outside and secriface his all hope and hobby at that time. Beacase one mistake destroy our full life so very important point of view is human self and Centerdness VS human secriface.

  • Science VS Religion - the question of God and religion in times of epidemics and calamities.
Science VS Religion is connect with human life. We can see that in the world, so many people blindly follow in superstitions at that time when Plague was wider spread and father was said that everything leave to god. God is created that disease so here we can see that some riligion aspect. But another side Dr.  Rieux was doing hard work and leave his wife. She is very ill but he was say that my first work is that do no go there and stay in Oran city. He was trying so many solution and end of the novel he is successful so the question of God some time came to this situation at that time vivid roll of Science and some religious things.

The question of God and religion in times of epidemics and calamities at that time keep calm and take decision piece full. This is Covid 19 at that time Corona disease is very vital role in the world so both of do Science and religion is very vital role. When Priest discuss with Rieux he explain to the plague disease at that time he say that this is a punishment of God and anything doing and deserved and sort of design created by God. At that time Rieux care to his patient. He look at one innocent child, he was very ill and suffered this disease. This boy was not faced this disease and at that time Rieux try to good and to give drink of syrup but boy was very small so not faced this disease and he was died. At that thie use of Science and Religion.

  • Power politics - Fascist forces of 1940s VS Surveillance society of 2020s.

Power and politics is a very vital role in the world. We can see that in THE PLAGUE novel, when leaving his Surgery on the morning of April 16,Dr. Bernard Rieux felt something soft under his foot. It was a dead rat lying in the middle of the landing. On the spur of the moment he kicked it to one side and, without giving it a further thought, continued on his way downstairs. But he was not take serious decision because his wife was very serious. After some time situation is out of control at that time no one known that disease so that is a epidemic power of disease. Same situation are there in contemparary time. Many people still not understand of that disease power. Many more people go outside and spread this virus. At that time we can thought that power of corona virus. In behind the many more cannot with politics.

Fascist forces of 1940s VS Surveillance society of 2020s, we can see that in 1940s people was didn't take seriously all rules and not follow home quarantine rules and that's why THE PLAGUE disease spread faster and become power that time. Same situation is today's corona diseases, many more younger people di
don't take seriously and do not understand what is the correct situation and not follow rules governed by the government and spread this disease very fastly that is a big problem of power of uneducated people.

In the novel the character of Raymond Rambert wants to go back to your place but the situation is very tough to fight them, so he does not want to go back to his home, he tries many tricks to go home with power and politics but still can't go back home.  Even now, the situation is the same, many are away from their homes, but somewhere in power they are suffering from power and politics.

  • How this narrative is an Archetypal of epidemic literature :

In contemporary situation Covid 19 Corona virus is the very epidamic disease. So many people dead in 15 days because of strongly spread this virus. We can seen that before this disease #PLAGUE # POLIO #CHICKEN POX #FLU this is a very dangerous disease in the world but at that time Corona disease is very dangerous disease in the world.

Our mind in raise one question, How this narrative is an Archetypal of epidemic literature in the city of Oran. We can see in the Novel THE PLAGUE, in last movements main character died for this disease but Rieux is help a lot for his Archetype of our human sense. The Original pattern or model from which all things happened for The plague of the same kind are copied to prototype of literature.

So here I conclude that Plague and Covid 19 is a very epidamic disease. So at that time stay home and live good life. We can say that both disease is e epidemic disease but it is connect with literature at that time we are expect some blindly some rules and believe in this matter. 

Work citation:

Camus, Albert, and Stuart Gilbert. The Plague: Albert Camus. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1948.

Schaub, Michael. “Albert Camus And The Search For Meaning In The Midst Of Ebola.” NPR, 2 Aug. 2014.

Vulliamy, Ed. “Albert Camus' The Plague: a Story for Our, and All, Times Ed Vulliamy.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 5 Jan. 2015.

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