Dryden flipped learning: summarise video and ask questions
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Here I share my activity given by Dr Dilip Barad sir.
Here I share my activity given by Dr Dilip Barad sir.
Q.1 Detailed note on Dryden father of English criticism connect with neo-classical critic.
Q.2 brief information on an essay 'Of Dramatic poesy' in concept: Dryden as a getting to extreme positions.
Q.3 More information on two words that Delight and pleasure in this essay.
Q.4 what is the lisideius's argument?
Q.5 (A)Where in their party would that be rhymes?
(B) brief information about advocating verse.
Q.6 Brief Discussion about Rhyme and blank verse.
Concept: 1 Dryden as a neoclassical critic. Dryden the father of english criticism by Samuel Johnson. Before Dryden in English tradition in apology for poetry by Sir Philip Sidney. Dryden definition broker in 3 parts "Just' "Heightens' ́Lively'. Image of human nature by representing its passion and humor. Dryden appreciation of the beautiful in human actions and passions. They are also The noble, The good, and The moral is achieved through Literature.
Concept: 2 dryden's view of the Unities amounts to the rules of Aristotle and not absolute; there is always on appeal open from rules to nature, If the ends of drama and better fulfilled by just and lively plays even truth has a total district regarded Unities. Justification of the violation of three unities on the part of the English dramatist and his defence of English Tragic- comedy.
Concept: 3 English tragedy and comedy Neander proceeds to demonstrate the superiority of the English plots. There are a number of subplots in addition to the main plots with the main action with Great Spirit. Major concern is related to the definition of drama. Dramatic poesy - Drama and poetry both are very important. First, more of our plays as second most of the irregular plays of Shakespeare and Fletcher. regular as any of theirs (French), second most of the irregular plays of Shakespeare and Fletcher.
Concept: 4 Debate satirically in his well-known work THE BATTLE OF THE BOOKS. Case of ancient 'Crites': Greece and Rome poetry was more honoured then any other branch of knowledge. Critic says that "Emulation is the spur of wit, and sometimes envy, sometimes admiration, quickens our endeavors." Ancient closely observed Nature and faithfully represented, rules of Dramatic composition etc. Case of the modern: - Eugenius wanted to proceed with the discussion, but Crites cut him short. he could not agree with him in the view that the modern were more perfect, but he conceded that they, the modern have altered the mode of writing.
Concept: 5 time is not to be allowed in serious Plays, though it may be allowed in comedies, unnatural in a play. Difference between two characters Crites and Dryden himself Neander. Blank verse is no verse at all. It is a simply poetic prose and so fit only for comedies.
Concept: 6 Dryden bounces or bounces back to private discussion between two friends, Neander and Crites. discussion about rhyme and blank verse advised on Rhyme words, rhymed language, that is better. Views about ideas expressed by Crites. Literature is sensory phenomenon and sense of reason and appears listening to charms to literature. Natural word, natural sounds, at tune to the work. such a wonderful rhymes lines versus the blank verse.
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