The figurative language: I.A. Rechards

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Here is My blog on Thinking activity on verbal anylysis given by Dr Dilip Barad sir click here to visit the blog.

Ivor Armstrong Richards: pioneer in the domain of New Criticism.

★His path breaking works: `

1.The Meaning of Meaning– 1923

2.The Principles of Literary Criticism – 1924

3.The Practical Criticism – 1929.

a.Four Kinds of Meaning

b.Two Uses of Language

c.On Simile, Metaphor and Symbol

[A] Four Kinds of Meaning:

1.Sense: Sense is what is said, or the ‘items’ referred to by a writer.

2.Feeling: It refers to emotions, emotional attitudes, will, desire, pleasure, displeasure and the rest. When we say something we have a feeling about it, “an attitude towards it, some special direction, bias or accentuation of interest towards it, some personal flavour or colouring of feeling”. Words express “these feelings, these nuances of interest”.

3.Tone: Tone is the writer’s attitude to his readers or audience. The use of language is determined by the writer’s ‘recognition’ of his relation to his readers.

4.Intention: Intention is the writer’s aim, which may be conscious or unconscious. It refers to the effect that he tries to produce. This purpose modifies the expression. It controls the emphasis, shapes the arrangement, or draws attention to something of importance.

# Two use of language:

I.A. Richards language can be used in two ways, the scientific use and the emotive one.

#Four Types of Misunderstanding:
(1)Misunderstanding of the sense of poetry
(2)Over literal reading, prosaic reading
(3)Defective scholarship

(4)Difference in meaning of words in poetry and prose.

# Verbal Analysis of poem :

અમે બરફનાં પંખી રે ભાઈ, ટહુકે ટહુકે પીગળ્યાં.
લૂમાં તરતો ઘોર ઊનાળો
અમે ઉઘાડે ડિલે,
ઓગળતી કાયાના ટીપાં
કમળપાંદડી ઝીલે,
ખરતા પીંછે પછડાતી બપ્પોર મૂકીને નીકળ્યા !
અમે બરફનાં પંખી રે ભાઈ, ટહુકે ટહુકે પીગળ્યાં.
લીલા-સૂકા જંગલ વચ્ચે
કાબરચીતરા રહીએ,
નભમાં ઊડતાં સાંજ પડે તો
સોનલવરણાં થઈએ,
રાત પડે ને ડાળ ઉપરથી કોયલ થઈને ટહુક્યાં
અમે બરફનાં પંખી રે ભાઈ, ટહુકે ટહુકે પીગળ્યાં.

--અનિલ જોશી

I am understanding about this poem on one alone tree. We can see that in this poem as par my interpretation poet says that tree talked about we are "Snow Birds" sometimes we can see that tree was falling down and in summer season "To Dry" I am understand tree was share own feelings but that is a creat Misunderstanding use of Simile "લૂમાં તરતો ઘોર ઊનાળો" this is imagination line   ઓગળતી કાયાના ટીપાં કમળપાંદડી ઝીલે etc.
Second vision through we can find that in this poem based on Human situation sometimes Humans is feel alone and face some kind of Trouble and problem.
So this is a good example for me…

Thank you...


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