Worksheet: Frankenstein

Hello Readers!

 Today I am sharing my views on Frankenstein Novel written by Marry Shelly given by Heenaba Zala Ma'am.

★Pre viewing tasks:

(1)What is Gothic Science Fiction?
Gothic Science Fiction is a macabre sub-genre that crosses Science Fiction and Gothic literatures. Gothic Science Fiction tends to have the same atmospheric qualities of Gothic literature, but does not delve into the depths of horror. The sub-genre takes typical elements of Gothic literature and explains them scientifically. Some examples of common characteristics of Gothic fiction: mystery, the supernatural, haunted houses, castles, darkness, death and decay, romance madness, monsters. The common example of this cross over is vampires explained by disease or as aliens. Gothic Science Fiction is a rich sub-genre where seeming disparate categories--irrational and supernatural for Gothic fiction and the rational foundation of Science Fiction--weave together a revealing story where the universe can still surprise us.

(2) what is a frame narrative?

One purpose of the frame narrative, or 'story within a story', employed by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein is to mirror the examination of the dark internalised consciousness. The outer layer of the frame narrative would be the letters of Captain Walton to his sister which concern his discussions with Victor Frankenstein. As the frame narrative moves inwards, Frankenstein takes up the story for Walton's benefit, before the dark heart of the process is revealed to be the creature, who tells his story to Frankenstein. The creature, a product of the lonely and mentally-internalising Frankenstein, is the dark fantasy of traditional Gothic consciousness; an artificially constructed being who can talk and think for itself. Captain Walton, who is isolated around the Gothic setting of the North Pole, is the fascinated listener who has not yet undertaken an inward journey to the extent that Frankenstein has with his experiments. Frankenstein himself, naturally, enforces the process between one who is beginning that journey and the creation of one who has fulfilled its course.   

(3) What is the point of view of the author?

Frankenstein is narrated in the first-person  by different characters at different points in the novel. The shifts in narrator and the alternating points of view are central to the novel’s theme of looking past appearances to reflect on what may lie beneath. The novel begins with narration from Captain Walton, who is writing a series of letters to his sister Margaret. The point of view then switches to Victor Frankenstein, who tells Walton about his life and how he came to be wandering in the Arctic. When Walton first encounters Victor, he wonders if the stranger is insane, due to his wild appearance and desperate plight. By listening to Victor’s story Walton comes to appreciate his experiences. When Victor reaches the point in his story where he describes meeting with monster, the point of view switches yet again, this time to the monster, who narrates in the first person, describing his experiences. Both Victor and the reader are set up to expect the monster to be coarse, barbaric, violent, and inhuman, but his narrative shows him to be intelligent, sensitive, and capable of feeling profound human emotions like empathy and love. After that, the point of view returns to Victor, who continues his story. The novel ends with a return to Walton’s point of view and first person narration.

(4) what are the viewpoints of different characters?

When we discussed about the different viewpoint of character, then we can say that character sketch of Frankenstein has totally different rather than other humans  so that is a different character.

(5) Do you have confusion about the title of the novel?

 The title refers to the scientist, but the heart of the book is the monster, so confusion was inevitable. Imagine if Herman Melville had written a tale called Ahab. Also, the narrative is awkward, consisting of tedious correspondence and stories-within-stories. Worse yet is Mary Shelley's ambiguity.

(6) Who do you think is the real monster, the creator or the creature?

Victor is the monster in this horror novel by Mary Shelley, because he possesses many of the characteristics that define what a monster is. Victor Frankenstein created his being due to his thirst for alchemy and his unnatural obsession with being like God, for Victor believes that “a new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. I might in process of time… renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption” (Shelley 52).

Victor does not take into account the consequences of his actions. Victor rejects his creation the moment he lays eyes on its animated form. This cruel rejection is what sparks the beginning of a journey that will ultimately end in the death of Victor. Victor devalued his creation’s life for personal gain, which led inevitably to his own great personal suffering and the suffering of those close to him.

(7) What is tabula rasa?

Tabula Rasa (Blank State) is an empirical philosophical notion that John Locke used is a crucial factor in analyzing and understanding Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. ... Infants must learn from an instructor who is mostly the parents of the infant so that he or she will fill that blank state with knowledge.

★ While Viewing the movie:

(1) How is the beginning and the end of the movie?
We can see that the beginning of the novel in atmosphere looking like horror, terror and some of stormy that North pole and than volter tell the story of victor Frankenstein and his creation of monster . Last of the end part novel in same context and Frankenstein's funeral by the monster and the end of both.

(2) Do you feel the effect of horror in the movie?

Yes, I feel the effect of Horror in the movie. Because the creation of human by human is the very horrible because of victor collect various body parts from various place and after that he was created human that snitching one body that scene looking like horrible.

(3) What do you think about the character of the monster in the movie?
The character of the monster is the creation of victer's scientific experiments. The monster doesn't know any language but he carries a journal of victer.

(4) What do you think about the conversation between victor and the monster?
I think about the conversation between victor and the monstor; Monstor says that "The sea of Ice I was meet you their, on the sea of Ice.

(5) Do you think the director has used appropriately symbol in the movie?
The symbol in the movie, symbol of fire, symbol of cross, symbol of Christianity and symbol of mirror.

★post viewing tasks:
(1) What is the difference between the movie and the novel?
The major difference between Kenneth Branagh made movie and Marry Shelly' book. Many outher chhenges in the movie because not use more time. But this movie is very interesting as the novel.

(2) Does the movie help you to understand narrative structure of the novel?
Why not? Of course this movie helps a lot for understanding the plot and basic concepts of the Novel. Narrative structure of the novel is good.

(4) What do you think about the creation of lady Monstor in the novel and Elizabeth's look of a monster in the movie?
In the movie we see that victor make a man monstor. Monster looks very ugly so he rejected his creation. We can see that when monstor ask victor for creation of lady monster he didn't it. But when monstor killed Elizabeth victor made a lady monster of Elizabeth. Because victor loves Elizabeth so he does not want to lose Elizabeth that's why he create lady monster and he accept her.

Thank you......


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